Looking for a guy for a threesome

Hello Jack and Riley here we are a couple looking for a male to come join us for a bit of fun.im 42 and she is 30 looking for a white male in their 30s to join e mail me if interested and we can talk.little about us we are a happy couple just looking to have some fun.Me jack I m a easy going laid back guy I m a attractive male with a short beard I m 165lbs with a average build and a nice dick. Riley is a sexy 30yr old female that is up for a good threesome. I have never been with a guy before but I m and ready to play around with a guy I really want to suck a c-ck while my wife watches and then joins in. Looking for a attractive male in their 30s to c-m help us out. Must be bi and willing to give and receive oral anything else will be talked about at a later time so if sounds like something you would like to be part of contact us



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