Colonial Home 3bedroom1 12 baths in NJ

26 Harris St Carteret NJ 07008 asking 359 900.00 Annual Taxes 5148.00 Welcome to NJMOVE IN CONDITION. OLD& NEW style w Open concept 1st floor recessed lighting sliders provide access to deck backyard and basement. New kitchen(includes stainless steel kitchen appliance package). Cozy 2nd floor bedrooms provide versatility for those who desire nearby space for dressing room walk-in closet office lounge or study. Hardwired detectors w backup battery. Refinished dark hardwood floors throughout new furnace new water heater new electrical plumbing windows and more. The work done in this renovated Colonial has been completed in compliance to city requirements permitted and approved. This home may require flood insurance. Quiet street near library. Close to parks recreation schools houses of worship transportation and shopping. Nice Commute to New York. Schedule an appointment make an offer. Quick closing possible



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