Resort in Athirappilly

Athirappilly Green Trees resort located in one of the most picturesque landscapes in the southern Indian state of Kerala Athirappilly is a tiny hamlet bordering the Sholayar forest nature s own treasure trove. This untamed mystic belle conceals within her bosom a pristine paradise that entices and mesmerizes many a nemophilists. A short drive from Green Trees Resorts near Athirappilly along wide winding roads under dense verdant canopy leads you to the breathtaking Niagara of India the majestic 80 feet Athirappilly waterfall an enchanting riverine landform along the upper course of the west flowing Chalakudy River near the Vazhachal forest division. The breathtaking sight of this majestic waterfall that plunges from a height of 80 ft will leave one enthralled. If you are looking for a pleasant and peaceful sojourn away from the city noises then hop into one of our luxury villa that have all the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay. Our entire rooms feature 24 hour internet connectivity and bathrooms with modern fittings.



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