Looking for woman to concieve baby with 33 year old man

I am a 33 year old male and I have my heart set on having a child I am a great father I have 3 children that my past marriage has caused me to loose to foster care because of my exwifes actions and my refusing to leave her. I have left her now. And all I have ever dreamt of is raising my own child. I have very beautiful children and I have very good parenting skills if there is a woman out there that has ever dreamed about having a child you must know how badly I want to be a father with someone that has the same dream as far as the relationship between this woman whom chose to bear my child I am open to whatever she wants but I do want to be involved. I am open to anything nearly so if there is a woman out there that wants to do this with a good man please get back to me. I live in Grand junction Colorado and If there is a woman that understands how I feel please tell me so.



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