Gogo Sushi is looking for FT Restaurant Cook.

Position Restaurant CookTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 14.60- 19.00 hour (depending on experience)Hours 30- 40 hours weekBenefits 4% vacation payJob Duties Make sure that food prep area and kitchen are cleaned and sanitized Manage accurate food inventories Ensure staff is well trained on each menu item May assist in hiring and recruitment of new staffs Prepares a variety of foods according to standardized recipes Supervise Kitchen operation Educational Requirements Completion of Secondary school is required.Experience Requirements 2 3 years work experience as a commercial cooking experience is requiredLanguage Requirements EnglishNumber of Positions 2Location Delta BCCompany information 1184181 B.C. LTD. dba Gogo SushiEmail address gogosushiladner(at)gmail.comBusiness address 4855 Delta st Delta BC V4K 2T9



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