3 BR2 Bath Two-Story Wymm Ln

This Cute 3 Bedroom 2 Full Bath Two-Story is NOW AVAILABLE Located in Prairie Hollow with a Brand New Roof that was Just Installed (August 2020) and 2-Car Garage. A couple of Interior Updates include Nickel Hardware Throughout and Updated Light Fixtures. Cozy Breakfast Room just off Kitchen for Casual Dining or Small Gathering. Master Bedroom Features Laminate Flooring and Master Bath has a Custom Walk-In Closet New Vanity Double Sinks and Ceramic Tile Flooring. Newer Carpeting in Bedrooms 2 & 3. Upstairs Hall Bath Features New Vanity with Double Sinks Ceramic Tile Flooring Tub Shower Combo. Loft on Upper Level with Laminate Flooring. Laundry Area on Main with a Pantry Cabinet Wall Cabinets and Closet Rods. Schedule Your Tour Today



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