Classic Yashica Mat 124 or 124G Camera

Vintage & Highly Collectible Classic Yashica Mat 124 or 124G Camera 325.00 but will entertain best offerFilm Type 120 or 220 Lens Yashinon 80mm f 3.5 Focal Range 3.5ft - Infinity Shutter Speeds 1 500 1 250 1 125 1 60 1 30 1 15 1 8 1 4 1 2. 1 sec & amp Manual B. ASA 25-400 Viewfinder TLR Exposure Control Built in Match-Needle type Cds Meter. Weight 1100g Other COPAL-SV Shutter Self Timer & amp M X Sync.Price 325 (but will entertain best offer) Buyer pays shipping & handlingCondition of Camera goodCondition of Sale as is final (no refund no return)Made in Japan



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