Lenovo Computers Laptops 100ea

This item is being sold by Online Auction on GovDeals.com. QAL 1317-3565 Auction Ends 04 Aug 2020.Click to see full details additional photos and current bid.Lenovo 11E flip 2in1 laptop (11 touch screen) 2016 Yoga 11e 3rd Gen (Type 20G8 20GA) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20G8 Model S05H00 Processor CPU Intel Core i3-6100U 2.30 GHz RAM 8 Gb HDD 128 Gb Solid State Hard Drive NVMe Wired and wireless networking No optic drive (CD DVD) 100 power adapterscondition code M Laptops are working but have minor case damage. HD has beed wiped no OS reloaded.To see more computers from this seller CLICK HERE. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION GovDeals.com Your platform to bid on government auctions and buy government surplus.



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