Sakthi Traders in Kunnathur Erode

Being a retailer c-m full-service automotive dealer Sakthi Traders in Kunnathur offers a myriad of automotive products and services. The products available here include tyres batteries alloy wheels oils accessories and genuine parts for cars two-wheelers and commercial vehicles. They also deal in the genuine products of leading manufacturers including Bridgestone Michelin Yokohama Goodyear Apollo CEAT Amaron Exide Mobil Shell Motul 3M Hella Bosch Sparco Neo Tiara Maruti Suzuki Tata Ford Mahindra & amp Mahindra Honda Yamaha Suzuki TVS and Royal Enfield. The service offerings include wash and detailing paint and body shop wheel alignment balancing polishing painting service and repairs tubeless repair nitrogen fill-up and top-up. 9865477677



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