SELL YOUR HOME FASTER FOR FULL MARKET VALUE.I have lease purchase buyers if you have any properties available on terms for asking price. Here is a quick summary of my Lease Purchase program With a Lease Purchase we can get you full market price for your home without having to pay any Realtor commissions or closing costs or inspection fees. Our services cost you nothing. We get paid from the tenant-buyer. Most of our tenant-buyers typically get approved for financing in 12-18 months. We already have a bunch of TB s looking for homes in your neighborhood. It usually takes us 2-4 weeks to find a qualified candidate. You can cancel our agreement anytime. We have been doing Lease Purchasing & Owner Financing for years. We have very pro-seller contracts. Our tenant-buyers are responsible for all the day-to-day maintenance and repairs. We don t just put a tenant-buyer in your home and then walk away. We continue to work with them and help them improve their credit throughout the entire Lease Purchase period. If you ever have to evict our tenant-buyer we will pay for the eviction attorney s costs and help you find another tenant-buyer at no cost. Bottom line - we can save you money sell your house faster and get you full market price. We have a simple Property Information Worksheet and it s all we need to get started. Once you email it back to us we can start advertising your house immediately. Remember this agreement is non-exclusive. You can cancel it at anytime and you can continue advertising the house on your own. If you sell it or before we do you won t owe us anything. Please call me after you have reviewed this information & I can answer any questions you may have. Thank you Michael Fishbaugh with Fishbaugh Enterprises 754-900-7057



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