Oil Change trans oil change

If you re tired of waiting at Dealerships and paying ridiculous prices or if you re like me and want to really take good care of your care then let me help you by offering my services.I m not looking to make a fortune from my services but to honestly help others and possibly teach you how to better yourself in taking better care of your car. I m not offering any gimmicks or anything fancy just tired of hard working people paying their hard earned money away on maintening their car because they feel that only people at dealerships and places like Jiffy Lube or Midas are the only places they can trust their cars with. Now i m not taking about fixing major problems on your own but simple maintence or checks aren t impossible to do on your own and i d like to show you. Price is dependent on if you have the oil oil pan funnel jack stands etc...Sedans SUVs Mini-vans and TrucksWill check your fluid levels and will add fluids for free if you have the fluids. I charge a flat 20 fee cost of your oil oil filter oil filter gasket etc... if you would like me to buy the oli oil filter oil filter gasket etc...Oil Change varies depending on the type of vehicle and some makes and models i don t do because there are actually cars built in a way that it s more practical for ppl to take to a dealership for. I offer reliable affordable and honest work and ask in return a honest fair payment.I can offer assistance in where you can purchase inexpensive oil oil filter trans oil if you would like to save money. Work can be done Appointment Only on Sundays or possibly Wednesday (sorry i work a full time job Mon-Sat) Ask about learning how to do your own oil change which i m offering to teach so that you can save Hundreds of dollars in the long run by taking care of your car Yourself Look forward to hearing from you and hopefully empower you with good knowledge



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