Best Neurosurgeon Doctor in Jaipur

Dr. Amit Barala is an enormously knowledgeable Best Neurosurgeon Doctor in Jaipur and senior consultant- neurology at Brain and spine care Jaipur. He has done specialization in microsurgery for intracranial aneurysms arteriovenous malformations skull base tumors cervical and lumbar disc prolapse and spinal cord tumors. He consisting of Best Neurosurgeon Doctor in Jaipur and ENT surgeon evaluates patients with Headache for accurate diagnosis & treatment. A neurosurgeon is specializes in treating diseases of one s nervous system. Neurologists do test the muscles strength reflexes and coordination. Neurologist also treats those people who had the problem regarding their senses such smell taste and touch.Contact DetailsWebsite - Address - Barala Hospital Chomu Jaipur-302004 (Raj.) INDIACall - 91- 9610277287Email baralaamit(at)gmail.coms DrAmitBarala1s dramitbarala s s in dr-amit-barala-640575196 s user amitbarala11s dramitbaralaneurosurgeon



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