Car Haulers

C16DPR 82 x 16 PRICE 3045.00 C17DPR 82 x 18 PRICE 3200.00 STANDARD FEATURES Primer and Acrylic Enamel Paint 2 5 16 A-Frame Coupler 205-15 New Tires White Spoke Wheels Tear Drop Fenders with Backing A-Frame Tongue Jack 5 Rear Slide in Ramps 5 x 3 x 1 4 Angle Main Rail Breakaway Kit Lights & 7-Way Plug 3 x 2 x 3 16 Angle Cross Members 2 3500 Easy Lube Brake Axles 7000 GVWR 4 Standard Loops Stake Pockets 2 Diamond Plate Runners Tag Bracket Shockproof LED Taillights & Taillight protectorsADDITIONAL OPTIONS AVAILABLEOfficial Currahee Trailer dealerQUESTIONS CALL 828-777-2723E-MAIL robert(at)hitches-plus.comComplete Details at car-haulers-2



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