Our personal hartmann & benz gold account: safe, flexible, free

THE SMART WAY TO INVEST. in Gold! https://easygold24.com/homepage Online Gold account What is an online gold account and how does it work! You open a free gold account with us ? transfer money to your account with us and then buy gold! You can have the gold delivered as a bar ? or left with us and benefit from a monthly bonus. THIS IS WHAT YOU RECEIVE FROM US: You buy and sell physical gold at the current price. Your gold is 999.9 LBMA certified. You receive your own account management, through which you can process all payments. You can already purchase starting from 1 euro. No transport risk: all our transports are professionally insured ? by UPS or by Prosegur. You can have your gold delivered at any time ? already starting from 0.1 gram. For the purchase of physical gold and a minimum holding period of 1 year, you receive a monthly gold bonus in the amount of 0.4% Ultimate protection Trust handling We provide, that agreements being adhered Support of one?s own round the time Our VIPs can call on our help day and night. Members with VIP status and above are supported by their personal account manager. 0% charges We do not charge fees or costs! Be due that fees for insurance will be paid. There are no additional costs, except for the Fiduciary processing VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=424&v=8JMkc9J7JKo&feature=emb_title



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