Mobile Zone in Peramanur Salem

Mobile Zone in Salem boasts of a modern showroom that showcases all its product range. A knowledgeable sales team is available all throughout to help and assist customers to select a handset most appropriate to their needs. Catering to all kinds of budget the shop is visited by a large number of customers everyday. The store is not only well-stocked on mobile phones and tablets but has an equally good collection of accessories such as head phones Bluetooth headsets wireless speakers mobile phone covers batteries etc. In order to ensure that more number of clients can purchase products from this store it has gone live thus enabling the citizens to buy the gadgets from the comfort of their homes. To reach out to the store customers can call up at (91)-9940886030 9500697097between 10 00 - 22 00 on all the seven days in a week. The shop accepts payments from the buyers in various modes like Cash Master Card Visa Card Debit Cards Credit Card thus adding a lot of convenience to them. 9940886030



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