LAPEZE & JOHNS PLLCs practice-areas motorcycle-accidents Houston Attorneys For Motorcycle Accidents Even a one-person motorcycle accident caused by a sharp curve or a tire skidding on gravel at low speeds can lead to injury or death and have the potential for legal consultation. Motorcycle accidents were the cause of nearly 5 000 deaths in 2012 and 93 000 motorcyclists were reportedly injured in 2012. Half of those involved in fatal crashes collided with a different type of vehicle. Due to the cage free aspect of riding a motorcycle there is little to no protection and extremely vulnerable to catastrophic injuries or even death. If you ve been injured in a motorcycle accident our dedicated Houston motorcycle accident lawyers can help get you the compensation you desperately need.In 2014 motorcycle accidents were on a moderate decline in most of the country. In Texas however accidents have increased. Motorists and motorcyclists should be aware of the legal ramifications of motorcycle accidents to protect their legal rights and be prepared. Motorcyclists face unique issues when they get on the road Having a smaller visual outline It is harder to see motorcycles on the road because of their size and height. Intersections are especially hazardous with multiple cars and blind spots. Potholes and other obstacles Most vehicles can navigate safely through potholes debris and oil slicks. Motorcycles are much more likely to face difficulty when encountering these obstacles. Balance At higher speeds a motorcycle that becomes unstable is dangerous. A problem with the motorcycle s alignment may be to blame predicating legal action. Personal injury product liability and property rights are some of the types of cases that arise from motorcycle accidents. Negligence is a factor that is argued in the presence of motorcycle and motor vehicle accidents sometimes precluding damages being award to the motorcycle operator. Comparative negligence is a legal term that distributes fault among those involved in a vehicular accident and is commonly used in liability cases. In the event of an accident caused by misalignment a manufacturer may be found liable. Other matters that may arise in a motorcycle accident case are failing to wear a helmet and drug and alcohol intoxication.RESPONDING TO A MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTIf you are in a motorcycle accident or are around when one takes place medical attention is the first priority. If possible pictures documentation and witness names and numbers will be helpful in a potential accident case. Keeping your own documentation is recommended to ensure the evidence needed to properly try a case is available.The second priority is finding the right Houston motorcycle accident lawyer with whom to discuss the legal consequences of the accident. Finding a motorcycle accident attorney early can prevent mistakes that may lead to financial consequences. Laws vary from state to state so having an attorney who can interpret the law and provide information and advice is important. A Houston motorcycle accident attorney can also provide guidance regarding insurance action and whether or not to accept a settlement offered by an insurance company.Settlement from a motor vehicle accident case can take anywhere from three months to a year to close depending on the circumstances. Insurance manufacturers attorneys and others involved in the accident case all work to achieve different goals which may delay a resolution. The more parties involved and the amount of information in dispute are factors that will determine the length of settlement time. The statute of limitations for a motor vehicle accident case varies by state and the time for the statute begins at the time of the accident. Finding a motorcycle accident lawyer in Houston TX who is willing to work quickly and be at the forefront pushing the case ahead can speed the time to settlement.Lapeze & Johns PLLC offers motor vehicle accident case review and guidance. A consultation is free and the firm is known for handling cases quickly and aggressively to protect client rights. If you have questions about a case or motorcycle accident law call a Lapeze & Johns PLLC personal injury attorney at 713-739-1010. CONTACT INFO601 Sawyer St Suite 650 Houston Texas 77007 (713) 739-1010
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