Eye Doctor (Ophthalmologist)

Stay indoor Stay Healthy with online consultancyIn this Hour of national health emergency we want your limited movements to save you from Corona Virus.Contact Dr. Seema Goyal at M 9811376668MBBS MS. [Ophthalmologist ] DMC 10555Dr. Seema is highly proficient Doctor with the degree of MS (Ophthalmology) MBBS and having wide and practical experience in the field of Ophthalmology .Presently working as Consultant Eye Surgeon has a diversified experience of working with Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi Lal s Medicare with Dr. Harbansh Lal Ayushman Hospital City Specialties and Eye Centre in Delhi for over 20 years.Specialization includes and ranges from research teaching and clinical work to extra & Intra ocular surgeries including Cataract extractions glaucoma squint & lid surgeries. This included phacoemulsification manual SICS & even ECCE if the need arose.



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