General Duty Assistant Course

The General Duty Assistant or GDA program is designed to provide quality care to patients admitted in nursing homes and hospitals. Upon successful completion of the General Duty Assistant course students become qualified to take the Healthcare Sector Skills Council (HSSC) competency exam. Course DescriptionIn General Duty Assistant (GDA) Course The trainee will be providing patient care and facilitates training that maintain an appropriate environment. The key responsibilities of the General Duty Assistant (GDA) is to provide the daily care of the patients patient health and safety. This course needs the individual to figure out together with Doctors and Nurses and different attention providers and deliver the health care services as instructed by them. The individual ought to be result orientated. The individual ought to even be ready to demonstrate basic patient care skills communication skills and moral behavior. The individual ought to be willing to figure inwards or clinics in shifts.Rural Helth Education CouncilVisit us -www.rhec.inCall us for affilition-7355268808 6388843372



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