Become a good IVF expert by joining the IIRRH course

IIRRH or International Institute for Training & Research in Reproductive Health has been the best institutes for training and research in reproductive health and for the training of Infertility. IIRRH is one of the top rated institutes which provide PhD programs in Reproductive medicine training. It was inaugurated in the year 1999 with the constant efforts from our medical director Dr. Kamini A Rao. Since the day IIRRH started it is trying hard to improve the services and the training quality provided to the students across globe. IIRRH has a well set of experienced and qualified team of experts to guide and train the students.There are various kinds of courses provided by the IIRRH Institute. Training is also been provided which includes short term training to mid-term training. The courses and training provided by IIRRH includes -Clinical Courses Clinical Embryology Training Course Counselling Courses Andrology Training Infertility Observer Program Course in Advanced ART (Embryologist) Course in Advanced ART (Clinicians) For more information or any information related queries feel free to visit our website



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