Durable Epoxy Floor Coating for Commercial Projects

Epoxy coatings are durable coatings that can be used for a variety of purposes from strong adhesives coatings for floors and metals. It can be created through the generation of a chemical reaction using an epoxide resin and a polymine hardener. Epoxy coatings and floor paints provide a high-gloss decorative finish available in a variety of colors and patterns.Protexion protective coating and solution provider has been leading epoxy floor coating manufacturer. Our specialist epoxy floor paints and industrial epoxy resin flooring which are heavy duty and hard wearing economical surface coatings - most commonly used in India to finish concrete floors.If you re looking for primer or top coat that with a little surface preparation can result in a protective durable attractive and practical floor then get in touch with Protexion. Call us on 9011958800 or e-mail us to requirements about all the different epoxy flooring coating. Visit us www.protexion.in epoxy-floor-coating.phpContact us 7888005541 9011958800



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