IT S TIME TO FACE THE FACTS-MASKS WORK The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended on April 3 that people wear cloth face coverings in public places. This guidance is a shift from the center s previous position that healthy people only needed to wear masks when caring for someone who is sick. The recommendation also follows recent calls by experts on social media and other platforms for the general public to don nonmedical cloth masks to help reduce the transmission of the novel coronavirus. The CDC recommends using multiple layers of fabric to make a face covering. You can Pre-Order COTTON MASKS Now 754-900-7057Colors may vary. Sold in packages of 20. Last shipment was sold out before they arrived. Order now 1 package of 20 .. 39.80 20 masks ( 1.99 per mask)5 packages of 20 159 100 masks ( 1.59 per mask)For larger quantity discounts call.



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