Equipment buyers in Dallas - Sell Your Construction Equipment

We are your premier source for selling Used Heavy Equipment. In addition to dozens of types of concrete pumps mortar mixers and plaster pumps we buy telehandlers backhoes asphalt machines loaders forklifts scissor lifts and compactors from a broad range of manufacturers including Caterpillar John Deere Komatsu Putzmeister SANY Hitachi Multiquip Kolbeco Ingersoll Rand SkyTrak and Gradall. We have the BEST PRICES on concrete pumps used concrete pumps used plaster pumps for fireproofing grout pumps concrete pump mixers and used concrete boom trucks. We are your best source for repo construction equipment. We also buy a full line of concrete pumping hose shotcrete hose plaster hose and all of the nozzles clamps gaskets and hose accessories you might be interested in selling. CALL US 214-773-0207 to get the best prices on your new used and repo heavy construction equipment or visit



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