OSCODA COUNTY is in the heart of the Huron National Forest with hundreds of acres of public land and the home of the AU SABLE RIVER with the Mio dam. The house is suitable for use as a permanent residence cottage or rental as an investment. It has many great features as follows 1 1 2 story 3 bedroom w bath 1720 sq. ft. Wood frame on slab foundation 2 well in great shape Natural gas heat w new furnace and hot water heater Aluminum siding Fiberglass insulation 100 amp breaker electrical panel 22 x 24 2-car detached cement block garage w concrete floorThe price is the highest reasonable bid or the first 65 000 offer will take it. It was appraised at between 67 500 to 72 500 back in 2002. For more information please call the number listed above. The number is a private number so if I do not pick up immediately please lease a message so I can return your call. Thanks.



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