Most SX.e CSD users will utilize the standard data conversion toolkit for initially loading data into the SX.e database in preparation for going live with the software. What many fail to recognize is that there are conversion programs which can be used on an ongoing basis to add and maintain data.The programs allow you to prepare your data using common tools like Excel or Access to manage the files before loading into SX.e. These tools offer powerful data manipulation services that are not available within SX.e. Features like 1. Identifying and removing duplicate records 2. Manipulating columnar data 3. Splitting one field into multiple 4. Stripping out undesirable characters 5. Combining data elements 6. Translating values to be consistent with the target format (dates capitalization etc.)The Data Conversion Programs Are Often Used When Adding Records to Various SX.E Tables.Get more Info about data coversions programs s data-conversion-programs-post-implementation Phone 516.240.6020Fax 516.240.6035Address 270H Duffy Avenue Hicksville NY US 11801
Category: Web Design & Tech
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