leftover yard saleitems for sale in bulk

This is the thing ive moved a few times in the past few years dont have a real way to move all this yet again and am trying to weed out some things i have no need for or plain just dont want and i dont feel like dealing with a yard sale myself but there are people that love having yard sales and do them often so ia was thinking maybe just maybe someone would be inteerested in guying some extra things for there sale i dont have junk I still have to sort it all out one last time but if anyone is interested hollar. the things are in large rubbermaid type tubs one has fall and halloween stuff in it one christmas suff. if noone bites ill just have to put the tubs in storage one last time til i can come bck for them. im making a temp move til the guys come home from afganistan my fiancee is over there. leave a message and ill get to your message soon as i can. thank you.



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