Volleyball Club in Ashburn VA

Libero Virginia is dedicated to providing interesting high-quality programs with experienced coaches focused on safety healthy minds strong bodies and a good mood with a tradition of excellence. Our mission is to help kids to build their self-esteem and self-confidence through sport. It s a good place to learn everything about volleyball a healthy lifestyle and a passion for sports. Our coaches come with fresh energy and a lot of experience from the United States and Europe. They are dedicated to their students. Libero Virginia is the right place to learn about team spirit to learn how to become a winner and to respect your rival. At Libero Virginia children meet new friends with whom they can share the joy of victory and the hard work at the practices. Libero Virginia is a 9500 sq feet full service clean and safe facility located just 3 minutes from Dulles Town Center and One Loudoun in Ashburn.Libero Virginia 44670 Cape Ct 120 Ashburn VA 20147 (571) 225-8210s liberovirginia.com



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