Tower Garden is here to bring you tower-to-table recipes and ways to get the whole family involved. Here are some ways for you to stay connected with our Tower Garden community.TRY OUR FAVORITE TOWER-TO-TABLE RECIPES One of the best parts about growing with Tower Garden is using the amazing produce you harvest to create home-cooked meals. With long lines and empty shelves at the grocery stores creativity in the kitchen is needed now more than ever.Tower Garden empowers you to grow a variety of fresh healthy produce from the comfort of your home. Whether you re growing fruits vegetables herbs or a combination of all three there are endless recipes you can try to keep things exciting.Click here to learn about the Tower Garden and ways you can create a sustainable garden in your home on your patio or anywhere to garden in small spaces.s passing-time-with-tower-garden-during-covid-1 9-gardening-in-small-spaces



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