Stainless Steel Threaded Forged Fittings

Threaded Forged Pipe Fittings are highly used for small pipes whose bore diameter is less than 2 inches. This is another type of pipe fittings and used to reduce or increase the pipe sizes change the direction branch and blind the piping or tubing systems. The supplied forged fittings are made up of Stainless Steel that offers high oxidation & corrosion resistance high tensile strength superior surface finish and excellent resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. SS Forged Union Fittings SS Hex Nipple Forged Fittings SS Forged Coupling Fittings and more. All these Stainless Steel Threaded Forged Pipe Fittings are available in various grades like 304 304L 310 310S 321 321H 347 347H and 904L etc.



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