New Land for sale in OKEECHOBEE FL

Great Investment Opportunity excellent location. Take advantage of this rare opportunity for investment or to build your home. For sale 3 beautiful buildable residential lots title all 3 lots together (Approximately 175 feet by 175 feet) (30056 SF) - (corner lots) in the beautiful Okeechobee City. Lots are high and dry and clear with many giant (100 years old) Oaks for shade and privacy peaceful setting plenty of space to build a large home under the trees with pave roads in two sides and a service road in the rear for privacy electrical post with 3 phase electricity cable phone internet city water and city sewer on the property and a culver driveway pipe is already installed survey is done and available. Taxes are paid and up to date no leans (the title is free and clear) no association (NO HOA) no restriction. You own the lots and the mineral rights as well. Just minutes from Wal-Mart Walgreen McDonald s Burger King Home Depot and many other giant superstores and restaurants. Few minutes from Hospitals clinics ambulance fire department and schools. Many things to enjoy in this city many activities with nature horse riding rodeo fishing skydiving parachutes car racing and more. These (3) lots can be separated and easily sold individually for about 30K each and properties valued are set to go up about 5.8% this year in this area. You can build a large home or 3 homes or 3 duplexes. The property is zoned as Residential Multiple Family. Please make no mistake this property is in the city (not the county) the only other property with similar land size in the city is selling for 120k.



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