A Digital Platform designed to Seamlessly connect Creatively engage and Innovatively collaborate between Artists mentors performers and Stars in the field of performing arts Presenting Face Of Artz We are the technology partners in providing organized solutions for the Media and Entertainment industry who forms a bridge between Artists and Experts and to provide a virtual stage for artists broadcasters digital content producers movie production houses event manager advertisers and much more to showcase their talents in the arts. Face of Artz serves as a crucible or melting-pot for artists to hone their talents to help face the limelight. The team intends to nurture and bring under the spotlight newbies and experienced talent to allow live performances for private and public audiences. To ensure that The show must go on and to protect every applicants interest Team FOA intends to provide affordable services of Evaluation Mentoring and Promotion. We strive to provide marketing ( digital and ads ) and management to all aspirants to gain a wider audience to showcase their talent and gain recognition shows and possible contracts in the entertainment brand labels Film television radio and digital media and the cultural stage in India and abroad. For information Website Url s faceofartz.com Contact Us 8008600033



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