Leica Q2 used excellent condition

Leica Q2 used excellent condition.Purchased from authorized Leica dealer on May 2019.I ve never had an issue taking photos with this camera. I ve used an LCD screen protector (which is still on in the photos above) and I ve covered all ports holes with gaffer s tape (this was removed for the photos above) since opening the box.I ve always used the electronic shutter to preserve the camera as much as possible. I only used the mechanical shutter for long exposures and I would estimate the mechanical shutter count is < 500.Also included in sale are extra lens hood extra screen protectors L bracket B W UV filter polarizing filter and various NDFs an extra battery SD card and thumbs grip.On my final quality check before listing I did notice two small gray specks in the viewfinder (circled in the last photo above). These specks do not show up on captured exposures so is not dust on the sensor. This also does not affect camera function and I did not even notice this until examining my camera before listing.Please feel free to send my way any questions



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