Warnett Hallen LLP

If you or a loved one has been in a serious accident you need to seek legal advice. Our Injury Lawyers can review your case for free and answer any questions you have about the process.The partners at Warnett Hallen LLP each have over a decade of experience litigating injury claims and aggressively pursuing full and fair compensation for accident victims. The firm s legal team will work hard to relieve the stress associated with the complexities of dealing with the insurance agencies so you can concentrate on your recovery.Beyond creating a comforting and encouraging environment for you our client we bring the full depth and breadth of our experience to your personal injury or ICBC claim. Our lawyers prepare every case for trial with the understanding that positive outcomes only come from thorough preparation. 720 Robson Street 5th Floor Vancouver BC V6Z 1A1 Phone 604-737-3300 Fax 604-737-3017 Toll Free Number 1-855-905-HURTemail mhallen(at)warnetthallen.com Website s warnetthallen.com



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