Bide Your Life With ATS Floral Pathways In Ghaziabad 9266850850

In the modern era every sort of homebuyer needs to live a luxury lifestyle and therefore the need for the premium residential project is skyrocketing. Now ATS Group presents ATS Floral Pathways to fulfill the needs of the customers we include world class amenities and use advanced technology in the property. ATS Floral Pathways Ghaziabad offers 3BHK apartments it gives you the real essence of luxury living without spending much from your pocket. And the price Rs. 65 Lac visit here ATS Floral Pathways NH 24 Ghaziabad. PROJECT AMENITIES - Party HallYoga CenterClub HouseJogging TrackKids Play AreaGymnasium Fitness CenterSwimming PoolGreen Eco Friendly Open Space PROJECT DETAILS - Project Name - ATS Floral PathwaysFlat Size - 1700 Sq.Ft (3BHK)Price - 65 Lacs Location - NH 24 Ghaziabad CONTACT DETAILS -Call us - 91-9266850850Visit us -



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