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I am a 41 year old married man - I want to come over to your house strip naked and jerk off for you Participation is by no means necessary but definitely encouraged if you feel into it.I am totally down with some role play scenarios too - something like this I am a handyman who is fixing your sink and I get totally soaked by it. I think you are not home so I strip down to let my clothes dry out and suddenly you walk in on me You scold me reprimand me tell me you will call my boss and have me fired - all the while you have this naughty little look in your eyes and a dirty smirk on your mouth as you look me up and down. I can t help but get rock hard as I see you look at me. I plead for you not to have me fired I tell you I ll do anything. You tell me I better grab my c-ck and shoot a hot load for you. HA Something like that or really anything I just got rock hard writing that imagining that happening. Women only please not interested in dudes. You are more than welcome to invite friends if you want I am willing to travel a reasonable distance. I m not too concerned with your age looks - I just want to get naked for you I am in decent shape tats cute friendly - I d rather not send pics or continuous messages given my circumstances. If I come over and I m not what you thought just send me on my way. Let s have a little fun



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