B2b online booking system

FlightsLogic is a company providing Best B2B Online Booking System destination management services. We offer a completely new online booking engine powering flight reservations all over the world. Our major B2B Booking Engines like flight built with all required tools that allow you to upload your contracted products, integrate third-party suppliers, adjust pricing and mark-up at runtime, generate agent wise reports, map banners, incorporate business rules, and take an insight into business sales. From an active B2B Booking Portal, your approved agents can log on to your B2B portal, search and book products, add a mark-up and pay for booking online. From the Admin booking panel, they can view, email, or download booking confirmations or cancel the booking of their customer from any device at any time. Our online platform for travel agents to create bookings using the online booking system and manage their bookings directly without any dependency. Provides travel agents to book through the online b2b sales channel.



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