Pressure WasherSoft Washer

We must sell soon This commercial professional package includes BE commercial series 4200psi pressure washer with CAT pump and Honda GX390 engine (2) 50ft. high pressure hoses 48in. wand and trigger gun with 0 15 40 degree and soaper tip nozzles 24ft. Professional 4 stage telescopic fiberglass extension wand 24in. stainless steel Whirl-A-Way surface cleaner Gutter cleaner accessory 5-13ft Eversprout telescopic cobweb brush 0-5000psi liquid filled gauge with quick disconnects package of 5 spare tips (0 15 25 40 and soap tip) 7.5 40degree soft wash tip 9.0 40 degree soft washThe equipment has between 7 and 10 hours on it to complete the break in period and has had its oil changed.



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