6 Months &ndash Baby Food Chart

If you are a new mom chances are you are quite caught up with day-to-day motherhood chores that you haven t had a chance to think about preparations for the next day let alone next week.At 6 months your baby gets ready for entry into the grand culinary circuit. That s when life is bound to get a little more complicated for moms.Here are the nutritional components in 6 months baby food chart Calcium Calcium in food is essential for their bone and teeth development. Iron Iron helps carry oxygenated blood to all the developing parts of the body. Zinc Zinc helps cell repair and growth. Fat Fat insulates the baby and helps in brain development. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy and fuels their day-to-day activities. Contact Us HSR Layout Bengaluru Karnataka-560102Phone 91-6362164716



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