Offices Available wReceptionist Area in a Legal Building Near Co

Office suites are available to rent or lease in a legal building within walking distance to downtown Santa Ana courts. Richly paneled in mahogany with built in bookshelves and desks.There is one large office 13 x20 for 1 145 per month. There is also an adjacent smaller office 13 x12 for 795 per month. Both furnished with utilities and cleaning included. The offices have several windows and plenty of light. Offices both have direct access to the dedicated receptionists office that has generous space for two receptionist secretaries. Receptionists office will be extra if needed. There is also a client lobby in front of the receptionists desk. Friendly cooperative working environment Current attorney tenants within the building include two immigration attorneys a workers comp attorney a trial attorney a criminal attorney and a family attorney--all with extensive experience.Newly renovated building inside and out. Shared conference lobby kitchen and restrooms with free parking. Great location two blocks from the courthouse and close to the 5 55 and 22 freeways.Hi-res pictures on request.444 W. 10th Street (corner of Ross) Santa Ana CA 92701Please call 949-562-9200



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