Assateague Island Wedding

HOW TO PLAN A WEDDING IN ASSATEAGUE ISLANDAssateague Island provides a peaceful location for a beach wedding. A one-day 8.00 vehicle permit is required to enter the State Park. Also permission to use the park for the beach wedding must be secured beforehand.A visit to Assateague is an experience you will treasure for many years. It is also a destination that offers something for everyone. Recreational opportunities cultural history natural attractions places to stay and eat. Of course Assateague Island is a great place to visit. The National Park and Wildlife Refuge contain a great variety of activities. In conclusion diversity makes for an unforgettable vacation.s our-locations assateague-island 510 146TH ST SUITE 5 OCEAN CITY MD 21842 PHONE (302) 581-0190 EMAIL INFO(at)SUNNYBEACHWEDDINGS.COM



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