Give New Way To Your Business At The Golden I Noida 9266850850

Ocean Group presents The Golden I Premium Commercial Space now your dream comes true get your own office spaces in Noida Extension. The Golden I Noida Extension is a mixed land use project with the IT ITES Offices Corporate Suites Office Spaces Premium Office Spaces. These office spaces start from 325 sq. ft. onwards and the price starts just Rs. 13 lacs only for more queries about price 7 sizes please visit here Ocean Golden I Price List. Project Highlights High-efficiency floor planSuites and Residential ApartmentsJust 2 minutes drive from Noida and FNGDouble height retail shop on the ground floorLargest food court and biggest amphitheaterMini basketball court Multipurpose courtLockable office spaces sizes ranging from 300 sq.ft. to 1500 sq.ft.Mixed land use project with the IT ITES Offices Retail Space Corporate Project Details Project Name The Golden I Price Rs. 13 Lacs Onward Size 325 Sq.Ft.Location Greater Noida West Contact Details Call Us 91-9266850850 Visit Us



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