Nurse Practitioner (NP) NC

At Matrix Providers - You come first. Always.Your success is the focus of our entire business.We are offering a rewarding opportunity for civilian Nurse Practitioner (NP) to join our team of talented professionals in Asheville NC supporting our Veterans Benefits Administration Medical Disability Examination (VBA MDE).Benefits Status Full Time 4 days a week flexible Malpractice provided with tail coverage The Nurse Practitioner (NP) must have the following qualifications Provider must meet the qualifications to practice as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) Current license in the State you will be practicing in Prior VA or compensation exam experience is a plus but not required Positions like this are available across the U.S. with Per Diem PRN Part-Time and Full-Time options available. Most locations are scheduled Monday-Friday 8 00am-5 00pm while we do have a few with evening and weekend optionsYou will love being part of the Matrix family of Providers whose focus since day one has been selflessly giving back to our hard-working and devoted military servicemen and women. Matrix Providers has always been a proud veteran-owned company and military family supporter and is a staunch ally of our active-duty and veteran service providers.



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