Seeking a friend

Hey there my name is Curtis I am a single white male in my 50 s I am looking for a woman out there for friendship companionship fulfillment of needs and hopefully someone pen minded I want someone who I can tell anything to and she would listen and give me advice I want someone who loves laughing and smiling but hopefully wouldn t mind a man who loves eating her out as often as she would like or giving her breast reliefI am a very open minded man seeking the same in her I am looking for a woman out there any race any religion. Ag is no matter she can be older than me as long as we are honst with each other you must be over 21 though If you smoke that is fine I also want someone who loves watching a man stroke his c-ck to herI will admit this I have tasted it before. I live around the Cape Fear Valley Hospital area. Please respond back to me



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