Professional Drone Services Photography

PROFESSIONAL AERIAL DRONE PHOTOGRAPHY (Fort Lauderdale)We offer profesional aerial drone photography with packages from 120. I m a professional photographer with many years of experience and a certified drone pilot 107 UAS with the FAA. We service all your drone photography and videography needs ( Real Estate Construction Roofing Commercial Inspections Land Documentation Company Websites and Insurance) with photography HD resolution and video 4K Please contact or schedule us for your next project at 954.513.7882. Ofrecemos servicios profesionales de fotograf a area con drone con paquetes desde 120 Soy un fot grafo profesional con mucho tiempo de experience y con licencia de piloto de drone 107 UAS con la Administraci n Federal de Aviacion (FAA). Servimos todas sus necesidades de fotograf a areas (Bienes ra ces Construcci n Techos Comercial y mucho mas). Por favor cont ctenos or programenos para su proximo project al tel fono 954.513.7882.



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