Automated Flat Sorting Machine (AFSM 100)

Online Auction for Government Surplus - Ends 1 27 20 - to view auction details go to and enter 3523-231 in the search bar. Or view the full auction HERE. AFSM 100 Flat Sorter Machine 4. Manufactured by Rapistan Systems in 2001. 208 120 volt 93 amp. Has Automatic Induction (AI) by Northrop Grumman and Automated Tray Handling System(ATHS) by Siemens. Will process 15000 21000 flats per hour.All cameras system software and system computers along with the 2 ATHS reject conveyors will be removed from the machine. The rest of the machine will be intact as it was when is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION



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