Delivery Driver with Box Truck needed

Delivery Driver with Box Truck neededCall our recruitment line today at 704-369-8629.Your Vision...Your Future...Your Business Courier Express offers you the opportunity to build your own business as an Independent Contractor in Asheville Fletcher NC and surrounding areas. Immediate opportunities for you to fill with your Box Truck.Weekly settlement 1000.00 CALL COURIER EXPRESS TODAY Contractual Requirements Provide your own vehicle Drivers must be 21 years old with valid driver s license Good driving record (no more than 3 violations in 3 years) Pass drug screen and felony background check Must own a smartphone (Android or iPhone) Ability to lift and carry packages of various sizes and weight Auto insurance coverage 100k 300k 50k for vehicles under 10 000 lbs GVWR (BIPD) 500k for vehicles over 10 000lbs GVWR (CSL) 704-369-8629 Courier Express - 4600 Hendersonville Road Fletcher NC 28732



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