Wyoming Concealed Carry Class

This concealed carry class fulfills the training required by the Wyoming Attorney General to qualify for a Wyoming Concealed Firearm Permit.Why get a Wyoming CFP when Wyoming is a Constitutional carry state There are many benefits to holding this CFP including skipping the background check on firearm purchases carrying in national parks and carry privileges in nearly 40 states. Class dates 1 11 3 14 5 23 Class length 3 hours Range time none (not required for permit) What to bring Pre-registration ticket or receipt Something to take notes with State-issued photo ID Do NOT bring weapons or ammunition into the classroom You do not need a gun to take this class Class topics include The safe loading unloading storage and carrying of firearms to be concealed Current laws defining lawful self defense use of force by private citizens including use of deadly force transportation and concealment. Pistol operation Pistol cartridges and components Ammunition malfunctions Maintenance and cleaning Holster selection concealment techniques



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