Mexico day sail charter start up oportunity

I am an American living in Mazatlan Mexico for 25 years. The Mazatlan tourist industry is exploding due to the new highwqy froM guadalajara and the new hoels going up like mushrooms I have a Dowbeast 38 ketch for sale the perfect day sail boat when properly licensed. I also have huge experience and knowlege a corporation lawyer and the needed Mexican partner to put this all together for the price of the boat alone. I have personally watched a similiar boat go out daily with 20 people (at) 50 bucks a head down in Puerto Vallarta Are you a timid soul afraid to cross the border Then why are there housands of tourist flooding to Mazatlanevery week Do you know something that I dont know since I have lived here 25 years Are you getting bad info from Aunt Tilley who was here once for a week in a time share. Get out of your concrete jungle This is a great place to live Sunshine beaches bars boats an babes and its dirt cheap Boat docked in a liveaboard marina which issafer than any place in NYC babes boats and bars. Its a hugly upscle resort ot some bordr garbage dump



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