2000 GMC Savana G3500 SCHOOL BUS

Online Auction for Commercial Surplus ALL SURPLUS - Auction Ends 12 30 2019 - To view auction details go to www.AllSurplus.com and Search Assets for 12199-15or follow this link bit.ly 12199-15Asset Location Fayetteville GA2000 GMC Savana G3500 Cargo INCOMPLETE CHASSIS 6.5L V8 OHV 16V TURBO DIESEL.ONE OWNERRUNS AND DRIVEREAR A C WORKS GREATNEW TIRES24 PASSENGERVIN 1GDHG31F3Y1135767Miles 75000GREAT FOR DAYCARE CENTER OR WHAT EVER YOUR NEEDS. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION AllSuplus.com is the online platform where you can bid on commercial auctions and buy commercial assets.



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