Border Collie For Adoption

Hello my husband and I ran into a bunch of health problems and we can no longer take care of our 2 year old 40 pound unaltered Border Collie named Princess Ariel. So we re putting her up for adoption to a new forever home that will truly give her the love and attention that she so very much needs. She s truly a great dog that loves everyone and everything except for cats as they seem to truly scare her. She loves being with and around people. She enjoys going on walks around the block. She s very good on a leash and if you walk a little slow like I do she will wait for you to catch up. She s a real lovebug with a ton of love to give. She will even dance with you to your favorite song on her hind legs with her front 2 paws on your hands. She knows how to shake your hand when you say shake. She knows words like sit move down get down go lay down no and enough. If you ve got a rat issue or any kind of rodent issue in your yard that s not a problem for Princess Ariel as she will catch them and kill them for you. She will sleep at the foot of the bed with you at night. She will even try to lay on top of your lap like a lap dog would but she obviously doesn t realize how big she is lol. She just loves to be close to you at all times. She would be best in a home out in the country or with a large yard with lots of room for her to roam in. Well if she sounds like the perfect dog for you and your family or if you d like a bit more information on her then please either text me or send me an email. Hope to hear from you very soon. Take care and God bless.



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