Lot of 365 Dell 11" ChromeBooks with chargers

Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 12 05 2019 - To view auction details go to GovDeals.com and Search Auctions for 10315-39 or follow this link bit.ly 10315-39Chromebooks .Asset Location Roland IowaLot of Dell 11 3120 ChromeBooks in Classmate always on cases with chargers.355 in cases and 10 not in cases. I am approximately 7 chargers short.Most were purchased summer of 2015. They were being used by Middle School students up until June of 2019. We are upgrading to newer ChromeBooks.Most of them show some normal wear and tear. The weakest point we found were the hinges and had several of them fixed over the last 4 years. Most of them have our school logo etched on the ChromeBook as well as embroidered on the case.We can put them on pallets if wanted or needed. We do not have a loading dock in this building so everything will have to be loaded from the ground. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION GovDeals.com Your platform to bid on government auctions and buy government surplus.



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